I was a former professional road cyclist while in college. I raced 2 years on a continental pro team and then turned my life goal into being the best personal injury lawyer I could be. Bicycling is now my primary hobby and a passion of mine. All cyclists know how dangerous it can be to ride with cars and trucks that can run us over with a one second distraction. I pride myself on helping cyclists recover money damages from at-fault and negligent and sometimes reckless drivers.

I have handled bicycle accidents and bicycle crashes for more than 30 years and as a cyclist myself, I can argue better than any attorney regarding fault and damages to an injured cyclist. Unfortunately, drivers today are too distracted to keep their eyes always on the road in front of them. With everyone texting and fumbling with the stereo or other devices inside their cars, it is no wonder that there are not even more injured or killed cyclists each year.
- I like to wear bright clothing and a bright helmet. I also use a blinking headlight attached to my handlebars and a blinking taillight attached to my seat stem. This will help you be noticed. Get the most lumens you can buy and don’t worry about blinding the traffic behind you. Lights even during the day can save your life. I always use a bright, neon type green helmet which everyone can see. Some cyclists make the mistake of wearing all black clothes or a black helmet. These colors do not stand out, but bright colors can save your life.
- Make sure you ride on the shoulder if one is provided. If not, you can legally ride in the lane of traffic but I always try to stay a foot out from the right-side white lane or drop off. If you are in a group, you should ride single file if there is only 1 lane in each direction. If there are 2 lanes in each direction, you are legally allowed to ride 2 X 2 or 2 abreast all the way down to the last rider.
- Always signal your intentions to vehicle drivers. If you are getting ready to stop, then signal to all cars that you are stopping with your hand. If you are turning left, then stick out your left hand and point to the left. If you are turning right, signal again. If there is a hazard in the road, then wave your hands at the vehicle drivers and they will probably understand that there is an issue in the roa
- Do not be aggressive or yell at other vehicles. They weigh much more than a bicycle and can run you over in an instant. There have been many instances of “road rage” where cyclists and drivers are fighting and the cyclist usually gets run over or pushed off the road. You can’t win against a heavier car so do not even try. Keep calm and carry on.
- It is a good idea to ride with your cell phone in your back jersey pocket, your ID, and of course adequate food and water. If you are involved in an accident, your cell phone can hopefully be used to document the scene of the crash, the identity of the other driver and the property damage to the vehicle and to your bicycle.
- If you are involved in a crash, call 911 and get the police out and call an ambulance if you are injured.
- Try to get the full insurance information of the careless or at-fault driver.
- Seek immediate medical attention after the emergency room if you do indeed have to go by ambulance to the emergency room.
- Keep all evidence: damage to your bike, helmet, shoes, clothes. Leave them in your house in the exact same condition as when you were crashed into. This will be important evidence in your case.
*Finally, do not post any information on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media as the insurance company on the other side will be looking for anything to use against you in settlement or Trial.
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