Allen Accident Law

Allen Accident

Car Accidents

Consult an Experienced Car Accident Attorney in Fort Collins & Loveland

Car Accidents

Doug Allen is an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney Specializing in Car Crashes in Northern Colorado.

If you are involved in a car crash Doug Allen will fight for you. And, because he spends more time than most lawyers on your case and its negotiations, he gets higher settlements. As a former insurance company attorney, he knows how the insurance companies work and how to get the best settlement for you.

The insurance companies are not out to help you. The insurance companies exist to make money and profit. It does not help profit margins when insurance companies pay out too many claims or pay too much for each claim. The insurance companies consistently take advantage of injured claimants who do not have an experienced personal injury attorney fighting for them.

Doug Allen has more than 30 years of experience handling only personal injury and motor vehicle-related accidents. After years of working for insurance companies, he knows the right negotiating tactics in order to get the highest settlement available, and has settled more than 5,000 cases.

• No case is too small.
• Everyone deserves compensation for their injuries.


Car Accidents In Northern Colorado

In Colorado, an injury victim in a car accident has 3 years to settle his or her case or 3 years to begin a lawsuit. If your case is not settled 3 years from your accident date or a lawsuit is not filed in that time period, then your case is lost forever.

“If you contact an experienced car accident attorney like myself, I can begin investigating your case, interviewing the police officer and any eyewitnesses. I can also help in locating a hard to find at-fault driver as well as finding what type and amount of insurance he or she has available for your particular accident. Evidence can also be destroyed if there is too much delay. I can have the evidence preserved so that it is not lost or destroyed. I can also make sure that you are getting the best and appropriate medical care for your injuries.”

No Recovery. No Fee.

If you or someone you know has been involved in a car accident in Larimer County or Northern Colorado, get in touch. Call a trusted car accident attorney directly at (970) 232-0774 today for your free consultation.

Recommendations For Anyone Involved In A Car Accident

Car Accidents

Try To Remain Calm.

Your adrenaline will be pumping and you may be worried about the extent of your injuries. You can talk to the at-fault driver and maybe you will hear him admit fault to you. If the other driver admits fault, that is good evidence that I can use against him and when negotiating with his insurance carrier. Just don’t admit that you were any way at fault or the insurance company can use that against you as well. So, try to just listen to the other driver as he or she will frequently put his foot in his mouth

Make Sure To Immediately Call The Police Or Sheriff’s Department (Depending On The Jurisdiction Over The Place Of The Auto Accident).

Don’t let the other driver try to persuade you not to call the police. Frequently, the at-fault driver will have a record of traffic accidents or tickets and may not want his insurance company to know about this car accident. He or she may offer you money on the spot for your injuries but that is never a good thing! Avoid talking with the at-fault driver about money or settlement. It is much too soon to settle your case as you do not even know the extent of your injuries. Plus, a settlement offer on the spot is usually going to mean an offer of a few hundred dollars or an offer to repair your car.

car accidents
Car Accidents

Take Photos

It is very important to pull out your cell phone and take photos of both vehicles from all angles. You should also take a photo of the license plate of the at-fault driver and his driver’s license and insurance card. They may provide false insurance information so it is important to have enough information to find the at-fault driver if he is lying about his insurance coverage.

Do Not Move The Vehicles.

If you have to move your car because of safety reasons, then do it. But, if you can, try not to move all vehicles involved until the police arrive. The police will take photos and measurements to determine who is at fault. The police make a fault determination based on photos, vehicle placement and the driver’s statements and any eyewitness statements, if available. Frequently, there are no eyewitnesses but it is usually good to have eyewitness statements as they can provide neutral evidence of fault.

car accidents

When The Police Arrive On The Scene:

car accidents
  • Concentrate on being pleasant, cooperative and truthful. Do not get angry with the police or show a bad attitude. Policemen and Policewomen are people too and they may get offended and take sides with the more friendly driver.
  • Describe exactly what happened without any falsehoods
  • Try not to estimate measurements or speed as you will usually not be totally accurate and this can be held against you in later settlement negotiations
  • Do not say “It was my fault”. There are many factors involved in determining fault and if you admit fault, the truth may not always be revealed and you would seriously hurt your liability case
  • Do not say you are not injured. Some injuries and symptoms of pain may take a few days to develop. It is often acceptable to say that your back hurts, your neck hurts, etc. whatever it is that is causing you discomfort or pain at that moment. Give your vehicle insurance information and most importantly, make sure to obtain the at-fault driver’s information, preferably by taking a photo of his or her driver’s license or holding it in your hand and writing the information on a piece of paper.
  • Make sure to get the other driver’s name, address, telephone number, driver’s license number, and license plate number. Either write down or take a cell phone picture of the other driver’s license plate and make of car.
  • If you have a cell phone or camera, take photos of the scene as well as the damage to the vehicles. This will at least preserve the evidence if the at-fault driver’s car is later repaired.
  • Promptly call your own automobile insurance company. But, talk to me before agreeing to provide a written statement or a recorded telephone conversation. Most insurance companies will rush to record statements of both drivers before an attorney is hired. Why? An experienced car accident attorney will not allow you to give a recorded statement as that could be used as adverse evidence. Your words may be misconstrued and used against you, even by your own insurance company. So, it is very important that you have me prep you for any recorded statements, if I even allow that in the first place.

These recommendations can help you win your case and at the very least, help me get the best monetary settlement possible.

Why You Should Hire Personal Injury Attorney Immediately After Accidents

Running into an accident is always a risky and unwanted affair, however, at times, you might not be so lucky to  escape accidents. Accidents can have damaging effects on your life and livelihood.

You should always hire a car accident lawyer if you meet an accident. Here is why you should never go to court on your own fighting the compensation case.

->What you think you know is not always right:

If you think you know the law and can handle it on your own, then think about Darrell Brooks’ case in Wisconsin. He was at fault that is another matter but had he chosen a lawyer, it might have been different from him. That proves the fact that a Colorado car accident lawyer is a good choice.

->Insurance claims are not cakewalks:

  • Insurance companies are not going to settle the claim easily, they would always try to find ways to nullify your claim, a good Northern Colorado car accident lawyer can handle them
  • If you handle the problem on your own, then you have to record statements, which can be used against you. Always make sure that you record statements in the presence of a Colorado car accident lawyer

->Consult a personal injury lawyer as quickly as possible:

As soon as you meet an accident, you should contact a Colorado car accident lawyer, you can choose not to speak as part of the 5th amendment rights.

It is obvious to get panicked when you meet an accident, all you need to do is to keep calm and call the best Northern Colorado car accident lawyer like Allen Accident Law who can have skillfully.