In Fort Collins, the rising number of pedestrians on our streets has unfortunately led to a troubling increase in accidents and fatalities. As our city and state experience significant population growth and increased traffic, pedestrian safety has become a pressing concern. Nationally, pedestrian deaths have surged by 35% over the past decade, a trend mirrored in Colorado, where pedestrian fatalities have risen by a staggering 75%. Last year alone, 89 pedestrians lost their lives in our state, highlighting a crisis that demands urgent attention. As one author poignantly puts it, “Crossing the street should not be a death sentence.”

The Spotlight on Safety Report identifies several factors contributing to this rise in pedestrian accidents, including increased population density, higher vehicle miles traveled, and the prevalence of nighttime driving. However, the predominant factor is distracted driving, particularly due to the pervasive use of cell phones. The temptation to respond to text messages or notifications while driving has proven to be as dangerous as driving under the influence. In fact, texting while driving greatly amplifies distraction compared to merely talking on a phone. In 2007, pedestrian fatalities accounted for 11% of traffic accidents. By 2018, with the advent of widespread cell phone use, this percentage was expected to climb to around 16%.

As an experienced personal injury attorney specializing in pedestrian accident cases, Doug Allen is dedicated to advocating for those affected by these tragic incidents. His expertise in navigating the complexities of pedestrian accident claims ensures that victims receive the justice and compensation they deserve.

How Can Pedestrian Safety Be Improved According to a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Improving pedestrian safety requires a multifaceted approach. Infrastructure enhancements are essential—well-maintained sidewalks, clearly marked crosswalks, and functioning pedestrian signals are crucial to safeguarding those on foot. Equally important is ongoing driver education. Motorists must be well-informed about their responsibilities, such as stopping for pedestrians at crosswalks and being vigilant in high-traffic areas. Unfortunately, modern distractions make it easy for drivers to overlook pedestrians, heightening the risk of accidents.

Another pressing concern is the incidence of impaired driving. Despite strict penalties for driving under the influence, intoxicated drivers continue to pose a serious threat to pedestrians. In some countries, severe fines and the loss of one’s vehicle are imposed for even minor levels of alcohol consumption, a practice that could be worth considering to curb pedestrian fatalities.

In Colorado, pedestrian safety laws are in place to protect those on foot:

  • Drivers must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.
  • Motorists are required to stop at stop signs and red lights to allow pedestrians to cross.
  • If a vehicle in front stops for a pedestrian, drivers are prohibited from passing that vehicle.

However, pedestrian responsibility is also crucial. To ensure safety, pedestrians should:

  • Use designated crosswalks and avoid jaywalking, particularly when traffic lights are present.
  • Yield to vehicles when crossing streets without crosswalks.
  • Follow pedestrian signals and avoid making sudden or reckless crossings.
  • Exercise caution when crossing roads from trails or jogging paths, as some drivers may not always yield.

By adhering to these guidelines and advocating for better infrastructure and stricter regulations, we can work towards reducing pedestrian accidents and enhancing safety for all.

What Kind of Injuries Are Suffered by Pedestrians?

Pedestrians are vulnerable to a range of severe injuries, often similar to those experienced by bicyclists, though cyclists benefit from some degree of protection through helmets and protective gear. Common injuries from pedestrian accidents include:

  • Death: Tragically, pedestrian accidents can be fatal.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury and/or Bleeding on the Brain: Head injuries can result in serious, long-term damage.
  • Road Rash: Abrasions and skin injuries from contact with the road.
  • Neck and Back Injuries: These can range from minor strains to serious spinal damage.
  • Injuries to Internal Organs: Impact from a collision can cause severe internal trauma.
  • Bone Fractures: Broken bones are common in pedestrian accidents.
  • Amputation of Legs or Arms: In severe cases, limbs may be lost.

If you are involved in a pedestrian accident:

  • Notify Authorities: Call the police and, if necessary, an ambulance or EMS.
  • Stay at the Scene: Remain at the location until help arrives.
  • Collect Information: Obtain contact details from eyewitnesses and use your phone to take photos of the scene, the at-fault driver’s vehicle, license plates, and their insurance information.
  • Avoid Admitting Fault: Do not make any statements that could be interpreted as admitting fault.
  • Speak with Witnesses: If possible, discuss the incident with eyewitnesses and the driver involved, as they may inadvertently admit fault.
  • Seek Immediate Medical Care: Visit the emergency room or a walk-in clinic for initial treatment, and follow up with a specialist as needed.
  • Contact a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer: Seek legal advice to ensure your rights are protected and to navigate the claims process.

Taking these steps can help protect your well-being and legal interests following a pedestrian accident.

Money Damages That Can Be Recovered

If you’re a pedestrian injured in an accident, you may be entitled to recover damages from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. Having an experienced Fort Collins pedestrian accident lawyer is crucial in this process. With 30 years of experience handling these cases—both from the perspective of insurance companies and now exclusively for injured victims—I offer a comprehensive understanding of how to navigate these claims.

To recover damages, it’s necessary to prove that the driver breached their legal “duty of care” and was negligent in causing the accident. Once fault is established, the next step is linking your damages or injuries directly to the accident, known as proving “causation.” This involves substantiating your injuries with medical records and doctor testimonies.

The final step involves negotiating with the at-fault party’s insurance company. My goal is to secure the maximum compensation for you, while the insurance adjuster aims to minimize their payout. My extensive experience working with insurers such as State Farm, Allstate, and GEICO provides valuable insight into their tactics and weaknesses. This expertise allows me to negotiate effectively on your behalf.

Dealing with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident can be daunting, but with the right legal support, you can protect your rights and pursue the compensation you deserve. As a seasoned Fort Collins pedestrian accident lawyer with three decades of experience, I am committed to advocating for your best interests. From establishing fault and causation to negotiating with insurance companies, my mission is to secure the maximum recovery for your injuries and damages. If you or a loved one has been involved in a pedestrian accident, don’t face this challenge alone—contact me to begin your journey towards justice and recovery. Contact us today.